After all this time, I'm going to explore a bit of this idea of 'seeing with my hands'.
There will be a Drawing Event in Rua Red Art Centre in Tallaght in Mid-May 2013 and I am planning to do a performance which I will call DARK MARK.
The idea I have is to draw blindfolded with my left hand on a very large sheet of paper. I will do perform mid-morning and mid-afternoon for the duration of the Event, probably about five days. Each 'drawing' will be layered on the previous one, possibly using more than one colour.
Viewers will be welcome to guide my hand to make their own marks.
This is not nearly so ambitious as the original idea of blindfolding for a month. Not sure now whether this would be feasible. Haven't yet found an expert to advise me about potential damage to my eye-sight - but then I'm not looking very hard.