Friday, March 1, 2013


Since I last wrote, I've been thinking more about what I want to achieve with this piece.
Ideas I want to convey:
  • that all marks are to be honoured(no such thing as 'I can't draw'.
  • That using my left-hand could facilitate right brain access (that is to creative as opposed to logical thinking(
  • That being blindfolded helps me concentrate better.
  • And being blindfolded also limits visual input in favour of touch input - privileges the hand over the eye.

I had a look at the space in RuaRed where the Drawing Day is supposed to be taking place. Well, actually it is the space where we can do something for the month (May 7 to June 3) around the National Drawing Day May 18.

I had thought that I would be able to put my paper on the window, but this may not be feasible as there are notices on display there more or less permanently.

So I've come up with a Plan B - to make a frame using the frame used for Porridge People all those years ago in Ballyfermot BCFE.
I need to experiment to see if this idea will work. I will see what I can get in the line of Newsprint paper. I fancy this because I think if I use thick markers it will bleed through to the outside where it can be seen by passers-by.

Only drawback I see it that Newsprint is somewhat fragile, so I think I will need to 'frame' it, possibly with Ducktape.

I am also thinking that it might be nice to photograph the image each day, and to produce two 'details' as photos to display in the space so people can see if they can find the details I choose.