I'm now almost 82 years old, and missed the chance to consult an eye-expert about whether or not doing my TOUCH VISION project for a month or so could damage my eyes.
I had had a cataract removed in a clinic outside Belfast, and was supposed to return afterwards for a check-up to make sure all had gone well. I planned to ask my question at that check-up visit.
But then it transpired that I had the option to have the check up done in Dublin by my own Optician, a much more convenient arrangement. The down-side was I never did get to ask the expert.
So, I allowed TOUCH VISION to fade into the background yet again.
But today, April 14 2019, the TED TALK touched on touch again.
Tech that helps you navigate by touch (advance the cursor if the start seems faulty)
Other videos along the same kind of theme are:
It is unlikely that I will go further with this project, but should I change my mind, at least I have these links to begin my research.
Meantime, if anyone else wants to try out these ideas, be my guest.